The term “brand” is tossed about everywhere.
A lot of people are talking about it. But very few understand it.
Everyone seems to want it, but not very many know how to get it.
In this economy with tight budgets and limited resources, does branding need a piece of the pie?
Don’t make the same critical mistake average marketers make.
If you can learn this one simple fact, you can stop the competition dead in their tracks.
Your brand is the most powerful business tool you have.
And it’s the one thing the competition will never have.
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How do you build a brand that captures the heart of your audience so they keep coming back for more?
Lets demystify things and begin with a few basics.
What is a brand?
First lets explain what a brand is not.
A brand is not a logo.
It’s a symbol for the brand, but it’s not the brand itself. Corporate colors, your website,
and brochures are not a brand either. They are the visual identity that communicates the brand.
So then, what is a brand?
A brand is the bundle of thoughts, feelings, words, or emotions you have when you hear a name.
It’s not defined by what the companies think, but by what individuals, like you and I, think.
The brand is held in the hearts and minds of people.
Each person creates their own version of what they think, based on the experiences they have with you.
It’s based on your unique personality that comes across in everything you do: what your company stands for, your attitude, your values, what you believe in, and why you’re in business in the first place.
Why does it matter?
An irresistible brand is what attracts your ideal customers. It turns heads for a double take, and makes hearts skip a beat. It’s the reason your customers connect with you and keep coming back for more.
But remember, it’s the way they see it.
So your brand really lies out of your control. You can’t control it, but you can strongly influence what people think by communicating who you are and what makes you different.
It’s all about being different.
Really, really different.
Your distinct brand is what makes you remarkably different, memorable and likable. And when you focus your unique brand on your customers needs and desires, your customers begin to believe there is no substitute.
When they need your products or services, you become the only choice.
Are you ready to learn simple steps and strategies to turn a dull, lifeless, plain Jane brand into a lively, magnetic, irresistible brand?
Start here, with 5 Tests That Could Mean “Boom or Bust” to Your Brand. Uncover the mistakes you’re making and re-boot your brand on the fast track to success. Be sure to sign up below to get them all delivered to your inbox. It’s free!
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