Would you like more likes, shares and comments on your social media posts?
Posting social media graphic quotes is one of the most important ways to do that.
When you visually tell your story with social media graphic quotes that are interesting and compelling, you can connect quickly and reach more people. This helps you to engage with your audience on a personal level so they understand you better. And you leave them wanting more.
Here’s what you need to know to get started creating graphic quotes that will capture your audience:
What is a Social Media Graphic Quote?
When you create a visual, or an image with text to get your brand message across, it is called a social media graphic quote. If you spend any time on social media, you know how popular these graphic quotes are. People love to share meaningful quotes that are layered on top of a gorgeous image.
Here is an example of one my most popular and highly shared inspirational graphic quotes:
The graphic quotes that engage and connect best for me are positive, inspirational and intentionally designed to build culture.
What makes social media graphic quotes so engaging?
People are drowning in content overflow. They don’t have enough time to read everything that is coming at them. In order to be seen and heard, you’ve got to deliver your message in a fresh, new way that stands out and engages quickly. The solution: make it visual.
It’s a fact. Social media images perform better than content in terms of traffic and engagement.
Our brains are wired to understand images much faster than text.
Image courtesy of Neoman
Visuals help you tell a story. They not only make your story stand out above the competition, they make it stick.
Find eye-catching images.
Think of all the images you see out there everyday, and you’ll agree: using the right image to tell your story is critical. The dreaded stock photo can be as bad as no photo at all. The best image to share is one that you’ve taken, a photo that exudes your brand personality loud and clear. Capture the moment taking a shot behind the scenes at work, catching a team member being spontaneous, or maybe something you come across randomly in your day to day activities. Share what brings a smile to your world. The key is to be real. I would rather use my own image that I took with my iphone, in place of a stock photo that looks like all the rest.
If you can’t seem to snap the right image or feeling on your own, good photos are out there, you just have to be patient enough to hunt for them. Here are a few of my favorite free stock photo sites that do have some unique images. For those times you need that extraordinary image and are having a hard time finding it, it’s worth heading over to Stocksy.com. Images start at just $10, and the right photo will do wonders for your brand.
Create text and quotes to capture your audience.
The best (and easiest) place to find quotes and content for your images is to repurpose what you already have. Pull your own quotes and popular sayings from blog posts, talks you’ve given, past tweets, and brand phrases you are already known for. Share a motto that you find inspiring, or a quote from someone you respect that helps you make the best of your day. Ask a fun question that gets people thinking and chatting with you. This is your chance to share what your brand stands for, and once you’re brave enough to do that, the right people will like, share and comment because they believe the same.
The most important thing to remember is to make your content about your culture. Nobody gets inspired to go to a site and feel as if you’re pushing your message on them. One thing I can tell you for sure – if you’re promoting and selling in every post they won’t come back. Selling and promoting your product/service all the time will not engage. Share value, motivation and inspiration 80% of the time, and 20% of the time you can sell.
Learn more tips, tricks and secrets to social media graphic quotes.
Hop on over to my Facebook page and share how you’re using graphic quotes to engage. Let’s do this together!