Chances are, the first pieces of great advice came from your mom. Moms just have a knack when it comes to giving calming comfort. Mom’s best advice guides us through life’s tough situations. After all, Mother Knows Best, right?
My mom isn’t with me anymore, but she lives on… I feel her here, in my soul. For Mother’s Day, I’m sharing my mom’s best advice— her pearls of wisdom that keep me strong, and moving forward to the happy life she modeled.
Be generous.
With your time, your money and your heart.
A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.
When you fall, get right back up.
You’re one step closer to success.
Be happy.
Be so happy that when others look at you … they become happy too. Nothing is worth it if you aren’t happy.
Love your family. Love your friends.
Create a sense of family wherever you are. Find people to love and love them unconditionally.
Laugh a lot.
Life is better when you’re laughing. Period.
Trust God.
He is bigger than any challenge or struggle you will face. Don’t ever let go. He’s not finished with your story.
Dream BIG.
Chase your dreams. Pursue them relentlessly. Life holds magic for those who dream.
Don’t settle.
Don’t compromise yourself. You are the grand prize for someone.
Be yourself.
You are the only YOU. You will never influence the world by trying to be like it. Be brave enough to be yourself and make the impact only YOU can make.
Leave people better than you found them.
Encourage. Inspire. Speak truth into others. That’s the best gift you can give anybody.
Dance. Sing. Make music.
It washes away the dust of everyday life and fills your soul in ways words can’t.
Believe you can.
If you believe you can, you will.
Give back.
Make a difference.
Once you find your gift, spend the rest of your life giving it away.
This last piece of advice is my favorite. I feel fully alive when I follow this one. . .
Always, always always let your hair blow in the wind.
Messy hair shows the world you’ve had a great day!
Thanks, mom, for all you’ve taught me. I couldn’t have done it with you.