Is it possible?
To be a brand that is memorable, likable and trusted . . .
. . . so much that your customer falls in love with you and you become the only choice?
Marty Neumeier calls it the charismatic brand.
“A charismatic brand can be defined as any product, service, or company for which people believe there’s no substitute.”
– Marty Neumeier
It starts right here with these 3 little questions.
This post is inspired by Marty’s 3 little questions:
1) Who are you?
2) What do you do?
3) Why does it matter?
The first question seems pretty easy to answer: Who are you?
“We’re Outdoor Adventure Travel, and we are a full service travel agency.”
Yep, that’s straight forward.
The second question doesn’t seem too much harder: What do you do?
“We plan and offer a variety of outdoor adventure vacations, throughout North America.
We also offer volunteer-working vacations.”
This one can muddle your message and confuse your customers if you have too many products and services.
It’s the last question where we’ll spend most of our time.
I think it’s the most important.
This is the one question you need to answer that will determine your success or failure:
Why does it matter?
“We add excitement and the thrill of adventure to each trip.”
(That’s neat, but lots of people say that.)
“Our exceptional guides are passionate, experienced, and really knowledgeable.”
(I hope so, isn’t that a given?)
“We’re just simply the best.”
(Really? Prove it.)
You can’t miss the mark, so I’m going to let you in on my simple little insider tips
to nail this one so you can showcase your difference by oozing with passion and personality.
We’re going to follow a step by step process that digs into Marty’s 3 little questions,
to help you discover your charismatic brand.
Because it’s all about being different.
Not just different for the sake of being different.
But in a way that creates a meaningful and emotional love connection
to your customer that nobody else can.
Remember, it’s not about you, or what you think.
It’s the perception they have about you.
And how you make them feel.
Think about this.
If a brand becomes the only choice, then if it goes away tomorrow there would be no substitute. Right?
But if a brand were to go away, and the customers were able to simply switch to
another brand, then the brand wasn’t very remarkable or charismatic to begin with.
Your brand isn’t different if there is a substitute for it. Click to tweet
A recent study by Havas Media reveals that most people would not care if 70% of brands ceased to exist.
And only 20% of them feel like they have a positive impact on their lives.
Think about your company.
If your business went away today, would there be a substitute?
If you hung the closed sign, would anybody miss you, or would they simply head on over to the competition?
If there is no substitute for your brand, then you don’t need this course.
But if you’re like most business owners and marketing managers, your clients and customers could get what they need from the competition without too much effort.
I’m going to give you some strategies to change that.
Let’s start now.
Your Brand Test Assignment
(courtesy of Marty Neumeier)
Time: 10 – 15 minutes
Ask yourself this:
What does a charismatic brand look like?
Take a look at some of the world’s strongest brands below.
Write down the brands that are charismatic to you.
If they went away today, would you be left with nowhere to go, and wanting someone to come in and recreate it?
Amazon | General Electric | Nordstrom |
Apple | Pepsi Cola | |
Burger King | Home Depot | Reebok |
Disney | H & M | Safeway |
DSW Shoes | Ikea | Sears |
Levis | Target | |
Ford | Newsweek | Virgin Air |
Do a little survey and ask your friends the same thing. Then compare your answers.
You’ll notice that not all of your answers will be the same.
That doesn’t matter.
What matters is that enough of the people pick the same brands,
and you can clearly see which are leading charismatic brands.
Everybody picks them.
If your company were on the list, would they pick you?
Any brand can be charismatic. Even yours.
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